
When transporting goods, you must be able to rely 100% on the means of transport. Our transport cases therefore offer you maximum stability. With Our transport cases, your products, valuable items or cargo is secure and protected when transported from A to B.

Hard shell, soft centre:The shatter-proof and stackable F&T. cases

The F&T. case family is manufactured from unbreakable HDPE plastic and in three standard sizes, and it is extremely temperature resistant. Additional security for the goods to be transported is offered by the custom-made interior design. According to the intended use, the F&T case can itself be fitted out as a high security case, Resistant to the sun, moisture and chemicals, water and dust-proof. Locks and other sophisticated locking systems make the transport case the personal bodyguard of your products.

We would be happy to answer any questions you have about our products.

We are here to answer any questions you have about our products, and are available for help and advice. Contact us directly or through our online form.